WIT001FB Victoria Harbour Trilogy | 維多利亞港三部曲 (連畫框)

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▍Victoria Harbour Trilogy | 維多利亞港三部曲 ▍Victoria Harbour Trilogy:Central - Star Ferry 維多利亞港三部曲:中環 - 天星小輪 19世紀初,港島西北岸中環一帶地區,被冠以「維多利亞城」(原譯域多利城,又稱女皇城)之名而率先發展起來,由於行政機關集中,吸引各行各業商人聚集,昔日大班洋行、商賈林立,為後世開創繁榮。 180多年來,香港得以高速發展,中環日益壯大,海岸線不斷往前推進,經歷無數的興建、拆卸與重建,摩天大廈棟棟比天高,層層疊疊將香港打造成今日舉世聞名的國際金融中心,但同時亦有所失去。 舊日的中環天星碼頭、舊和記大廈、舊Ritz Carlton、美利樓……無數地標,今天都已成回憶。香港不斷在變,就連維多利亞港亦變化萬千,要欣賞中環風景需要及時。 最佳方法,是乘上香港歷史最悠久的海上交通工具——天星小輪,標誌性的綠白色船身,象徵天海合一 。短短10分鐘的「過海」航程,難得放慢腳步 ,沿途拂面涼風,瓊樓玉宇,絕世風景美不勝收,記得要珍惜當下。 In the early 19th century, north-western shore of the Central district was known as “Victoria City” or Queenstown. As such the area was the first to be developed. Because of the nearby British administrative agencies, Central had attracted a wide variety of businesses, leading to rapid construction of business towers and buildings and resulting in much prosperity. Over 180 years, Hong Kong has seen break-neck speed development and Central has grown in size and importance. Its shorelines continued to push forward into the Victoria Harbour with endless construction, tearing down and building up. Waves and layers of skyscrapers stacked upon each other to create the world-renowned financial centre that we know today. Of course, in the midst of transformation, Hong Kong has also lost some of its old historical landmarks. Old buildings like the Central Ferry Terminal, Hutchison House, Ritz Carlton, Murray House and countless landmarks have now become our collective memories. Hong Kong is constantly changing, Victoria Harbour is no exception. To enjoy the view of the Central skyline, we must seize every opportunity. The best way to do so is to ride on one of the oldest forms of transport - the Star Ferry. Its iconic green-white colour symbolises the perfect blending of the sky and the sea. In a short 10-minute ride across the harbour, slow down your hurried pace, and let the balmy sea breezes caress your face and enjoy the beautiful scenery in front of you. Carpe Diem! ▍Victoria Harbour Triology:Admiralty - Double Ducks 維多利亞港三部曲:金鐘 - 黃鴨雙雙 夾在中環與灣仔之間的金鐘,名字源於昔日駐港英軍兵房「樂禮樓」(Rodney Block)的金色大銅鐘,每逢正午及下午便會敲響鐘聲,作為午饍和放工訊號,附近居民於是稱營房為「金鐘兵房」,營房一帶亦順理其章成為「金鐘」,英文名稱「Admiralty」也是海軍部的意思。 香港開埠之初,金鐘被規劃為行政重地,現在仍是香港政府機構的集中地,以及更為人所熟悉的香港核心商業區。維港璀璨的夜景背後,全是商業大樓內徹夜加班打工仔的努力成果。 經歷世紀疫症洗禮,令這繁華商業區也失色少許。2023年,荷蘭藝術家霍夫曼(Florentijn Hofman)創作的巨型橡皮鴨重臨香港,更打孖上停泊在添馬公園對出的海濱長廊,搶眼的黃膠鴨精神奕奕暢遊維港,為金鐘商業區帶來歡樂與生氣,亦標誌住香港的疫後重生。 Snuggled between Central and Wan Chai was a golden bell hung at Rodney Block. Rodney Block was the old British Military barracks. Every day at noon/afternoon, the bell would ring to signal lunchtime/end of work. Nearby residents called the barracks “Golden Bell barracks”. Naturally the surrounding area of the barracks is called “Golden Bell” (in Chinese) and in English it is translated as Admiralty. In Hong Kong’s early days as a port city, Admiralty was planned to be used as an administrative area. Even today, Admiralty is still the main area for Hong Kong’s government buildings and agencies. It is also Hong Kong’s business district. Behind Victoria’s Harbour’s stunning night view is the fruit of countless workers’ labour, burning midnight oil working in the tall commercial buildings. After Covid-19’s baptism of fire, the glamourous business district of Admiralty has somewhat dimmed. In 2023, a pair of gigantic rubber ducks created by Florentijn Hofman, a Dutch artist, came back to Hong Kong, and were seen floating on the harbour just outside of the promenade at Tamar Park. The double ducks with their eye-catching yellow colour have brought much happiness and vibe to the Admiralty district. It symbolises the rebirth of Hong Kong after the pandemic. ▍Victoria Harbour Triology:Wan Chai - Junk 維多利亞港三部曲:灣仔 - 張保仔號 跟香港很多地區一樣,灣仔最初只是港島北岸一個毫不起眼的小漁村,由於地理位置較低,昔日又稱為「下環」,一直是華人聚居的老區。 灣仔一名本是「小海灣」的意思,但隨着城市發展以及不斷的移山填海,昔日的小海灣早已不復存在,現在是港島著名的商業及旅遊區,外形如同展翅飛鳥的香港會議展覽中心、旅客至愛的金紫荊廣場等……盡皆於此。 灣仔酒吧街的燈紅酒綠、華洋雜處,更成為上世紀50年代荷里活經典電影《蘇絲黃的世界》的故事背景,就跟中式紅帆木船「張保仔號」一樣,都是外國旅客眼中的香港標誌。 張保仔號,是香港最後一艘手造的中式帆船,船高兩層,以上世紀縱橫南中國海、並以長州為基地的著名海盜「張保仔」命名,現在變成旅客暢遊維多利亞港的海上之旅,可徜徉露天甲板上邊享用雞尾酒、邊欣賞維港美景,真正沉浸式享受。 多年的重建與發展,亦令灣仔歷盡變遷,像喜帖街如今已變成高級商場。圓柱型的合和中心,位於66樓的落地玻璃旋轉餐廳,曾是上世紀80年代的旅遊熱點,現在已被中環廣場和會議展覽中心取代。未來,灣仔政府大樓、稅務大樓及入境事務大樓將拆卸重建,拼入「會展新翼」的發展藍圖,灣仔海繽將翻天覆地變化。 灣仔以至維港海岸線不斷進化,正正是香港發展史的縮影。 Like many other districts in Hong Kong, Wan Chai was just an inconspicuous little fishing village on the north shore. Due to its low-lying area, this old district was also known as “Lower Ring”, mainly occupied by Chinese in the past. Wan Chai actually means “Little Harbour”. But with the rapid city development and constant sea reclamation, “Little Harbour” of olden days no longer exists. Today, it is a popular business and shopping district. Many famous landmarks are found here: The flying-bird shape of Hong Kong Exhibition and Convention Centre and the golden Bauhinia Square. The bars of Wan Chai are filled with endless drinking, feasting and merriment. It is a meeting place for local people and foreigners. It was even featured in the 1950s Hollywood classic movie “The World of Suzie Wong”. In the eyes of foreign visitors, Wan Chai bars and the iconic wooden junk boat “Cheung Po Tsai” with its striking red sail are Hong Kong’s famous symbols. Chinese junk boats are now the last of Hong Kong’s handmade junk boats. The boat is 2 storey high. It traversed widely the South China Sea in the 20th century. It is named after the famous pirate Cheung Po Tsai from Cheung Chau. Now it has become the voyage journey for tourists touring the Victoria Harbour. You can sit on the deck sipping your cocktail while enjoying the beautiful Victoria Harbour. This is a truly first-class immersive experience. After years of construction and development, the face of Wan Chai has also changed. Lee Tung Street, also fondly known as the “Wedding Card Street” has now become a high-end shopping mall. Situated on the 66th floor on the circular-shaped Hopewell Centre is the revolving restaurant with its ceiling to floor glass windows. In the 1980s, it was one of the tourists’ hot spots. Today, its popularity has been replaced by the Central Plaza and Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Looking into the future, Wan Chai Tower, Revenue Tower and the Immigration Tower will be demolished and rebuilt and become part of the Convention Centre’s development blueprint. Wan Chai promenade will again be transformed drastically. Wan Chai and the Victoria Harbour shorelines are changing continuously. They certainly reflect Hong Kong’s own development history. 美術品尺寸 Artwork Size: 580mm x 210mm


此作品印刷採用 This artwork printing adopts: 

1. Canon imagePROGRAF GP series 高品質顏料墨水系統 

2. Hahnemühle / ILFORD Galerie or same museum grade level 

3. 全人手 coating / Handmade coating for artwork 

4. 美術館級專用無酸裝裱卡紙 Museum grade Acid-free mounting cardboard


備註 Note: 

圖片只供參考 Photos are reference only


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