首页 / 退货及退款政策
網上訂單退換政策 更換貨品程序如下: 1. 購買日起7天內,若發現貨品有任何問題,請保留所有包裝物料,包括原裝包裝、單據及相關禮品。  2. 於三天內聯絡我們,提供商品照片,提出換貨要求。 3. 確認貨品狀態符合退貨政策的要求後,我們會盡快通知閣下退貨申請情況。 4. 在收回貨品後,七個工作天內安排換貨,恕不退款。 *若我們未能於七天內收回貨品,將保留取消退換貨品的權利。 在以下情況我們有權拒絕客戶的退換貨要求: 如商品有以下情形,恕無法辦理換貨: 1. 超過7天及非本次退貨訂單申請的退貨商品。 2. 非全新商品:貨品因人為問題造成磨損髒污、任何人為損毀,或退回的貨品有明顯污漬或氣味,我們將有權不予退換,我們對貨品是否存在明顯的污漬或氣味問題會保留最終決定權。 3. 非完整包裝:完整包裝應包括貨品、包裝袋、包裝盒、說明書、及附屬配件。 4. 在商品上加工,例如:打印,並非商品原樣。 5. 包裝上有損毀或其他標貼影響二次銷售。 6. 因主觀原因而引起的退換我們有權不予退換,例如跟色差、想像中不同、感覺不好看。 *如付款後因個人理由要求取消訂單,將收取全單費用的百分之十作退款的手續費。如貨品已寄出則無法取消訂單。 Parfait Productions 保留最終決定權。 Return Procedures: 1. If you receive defective / wrong item, please keep the invoice, goods, accessories, packaging and all accompanying intact. 2. Please contact us with product photos within three days upon the arrival of the goods. 3. After verification of the product condition, we will notify you of the result of the return request. 4. Once we receive the returned item and verify its condition, replacement delivery will be arranged within 7 business days. All products are non-refundable. *If we do not receive the returned product within 7 days, we reserve the right of cancellation of the return request. Replacement will not be accepted in the following conditions: 1) Goods arrived 7 days or more. 2) Any product that is not in its original condition: Used, damaged, or missing parts (including accessories, packaging and all accompanying intact) . 3) Request of return/replacement due to subjective feedback (e.g. colour difference, i do not like it, etc ) on product will not be accepted. 4) Free gifts In the event of dispute, Parfait Productions had the right to make final and conclusive decision.